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A successful fair experience that hosted the best of boatyards and of the nautical production chain in the world's leading productive district.

Viareggio, 15 May 2017 - More than 18,000 visitors took part in the first edition of the Versilia Yachting Rendez-vous, the international show dedicated to the high-end nautical market, held, for its first edition, in Viareggio from 11 to 14 May.


For four days, a great festival in the heart of the largest nautical district in the world attracted visitors from all over the world. Of the 18,324 visitors who pacifically "invaded" Viareggio, 9% came from European countries (Spain, France, Germany, England and Holland), while 3% came from countries outside of the EU (with a significant presence from the USA, Russia, UAE, China and South America).


Along the docks of Viareggio, 72 beautiful boats were on show, the highest expression of nautical excellence in the world, and of the design and construction abilities of Italian boat yards. On land, there were 117 exhibiting companies: boatyards, accessories, and elements of the production chain, in addition to luxury services available in the sector.


“To have created an event of this level in such a short amount of time fills us with pride and satisfaction - declared Paolo Borgio, exhibition manager of the Versilia Yachting rendez-vous - for a long time, the Italian nautical sector had been waiting for an event that could show off one of the sectors that best represents the Made in Italy label around the world, and we have finally done it. At Fiera Milano, we have provided all our professional abilities in organising and managing large scale trade fairs, in order to guarantee an event with the winning features we all expected. It was an excellent showcase for the Italian and international nautical sector, and a great festival for Viareggio, where the show was welcomed with great enthusiasm. The Versilia Yachting Rendez-vous has been a milestone in the Italian nautical sector, and has all the potential required to become an important international appointment".


“For Nautica Italiana, the success of the Versilia Yachting Rendez-vous means three important things - said Lamberto Tacoli, president of Nautica Italiana - the format that we offered proved to be the winning one: to create a new, outdoor, springtime event dedicated to high-end boats and the luxury nautical production chain. Involving brands and glamour Made in Italy in transversal manner proved to be a winning concept. And, finally, the third winning choice was to entrust organisation of the event to a professional third party. We are aware that the challenge for the next edition is a tough one: in fact, everything that was outlined this year must be developed for the coming edition. I would like to thank the organisers, the Tuscan Regional Authorities, and the Nautical District, but above all the entrepreneurs, from Italy and abroad, who believed in our offer".



“Some of our objectives have already been reached in this edition zero – said Vincenzo Poerio, president of the Distretto della Nautica e della Portualità Toscana - which will allow Viareggio to regain momentum and positive energy even in its everyday life, and makes it possible to bring pride to the nautical district, to the boatyards and to the businesses. The protocol signed with the Tuscan Regional Authority and the Municipality of Viareggio launches the event for the next three years, making a collaboration possible, which stabilises and consolidates this unique event, hosted in a unique location, where it is possible to show off a luxury nautical sector that is famous the world over, right in the place where it is produced. Along one road - via Coppino - and in the neighbouring streets, it feels almost as if we were in a giant open-air factory: in these last few days, this impression was even more real and evident. The organisation of this event was a demonstration of a new way of being Italian - not only lovers of style, luxury, and beauty, but also a strong will to do so together, with pride and love for ourselves and for our abilities".


The Versilia Yachting Rendez-vous, significantly driven by Nautica Italiana, was organised by Fiera Milano, in collaboration with the Distretto Tecnologico per la Nautica e la Portualità Toscana, with the support of the Tuscan Regional Authorities and the Municipality of Viareggio, with the intention of involving the entire industry, as well as national and international associations in the sector. A great role, in terms of hospitality, was played by the territory of Versilia, with its municipalities of Pietrasanta and Forte dei Marmi, which were the stage and setting for the events that animated the days of the show.


A historical first edition has just ended, and already we are looking to the future. The nautical world and Versilia Yachting Rendez-vous will once again meet all enthusiasts at the second edition, scheduled for May 2018!